Look for evidence
Alright guys — here’s the deal: it’s not enough to just “do all the things” for weight loss. Things like making a plan every day for what you will eat, and eating only those items; eating only when you are hungry and stopping before you are full; and taking time every day to put your thoughts on paper. These are examples of the most important components of your weight loss foundation. But an additional, crucial piece, is making sense of what you are writing every day.
Looking for evidence is making sense of what you have written. As your weight loss coach, at least once per week, I want you to review your thought downloads, and meal plans, and look for evidence of a couple of crucial things:
Are you noticing that this process is easy?
Are you noticing that weight loss is fun?
Guess what: both of these things are true and possible. Because YOU get to decide that they can be. I challenge you to decide that your weight loss journey is both easy and fun. Then look for evidence that proves it.
For me, “easy” looked like, “I am committed to my food plans, and it’s not hard.” Just being honest with myself. Even though I was doing something new - planning food in advance - it was uncomfortable but not hard.
“Fun” looked like , “ I love eating a small portion of all the foods I enjoy, but not getting stuffed.” It also looked like, “I love sleeping well every night because I know I followed my plan and my stomach isn’t uncomfortable.” And, “OMG the number on the scale moved down AGAIN!!” If I wasn’t journaling daily, I wouldn’t have been able to collect this evidence of real weight loss, plus improved confidence.
Look for evidence that your new thoughts, feelings and actions ARE working. The more you focus on the results you want, the sooner you’ll get them.